In the age of streaming, frequent releases are valued higher than albums releasing after months of hard work; only the famous or the most niche artists release them anymore, and fewer of the albums that release have interludes, but when they do, they are special.
Interludes are short tracks interspersed between songs in an album to explore musical ideas, transition songs, and have a temporary change in sound. They can be as short as 10 seconds to a minute and 30 seconds. Part of the main appeal of interludes is their abrupt nature, leading back to the normal music.
Interludes can make albums feel whole. They can range from experiments to skits. Billie Eilish’s “!!!!!!!” is 14 seconds long and ends with chaotic laughter at the end, complimenting the vibe of her album “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP WHERE DO WE GO”. Interludes can contribute meaning that can’t be added in other forms.
Scapegoat Wax’s track “OKEEBLOW” is the titular track on the album (Okeeblow) and is a skit that explains the meaning of the album’s title.
Interludes are more commonly used to transition the mood of an album. Artist 2 Mello does this in his album “Memories of Tokyo-To”. Most of the album is fun and upbeat but it gets darker towards the end. The interlude “You like that” is a short track that is slow unlike the other songs, with low synths and echoed voices this song prepares the listener for the three last songs on the album that are more serious.
But sometimes they are just for fun. Joey Valence and Brae are known for their flashy style of alternative rap reminiscent of the early 2000’s, so their 30 second interlude on their album “PUNK TACTICS” is an unexpected slower break. The song ends with someone saying “nah, they aren’t ready for that” .
While a dying art form, interludes are special because they don’t hold up on their own but can make an album all the better.