On Oct. 19th, Wolf Connection, a leadership program within the school, handed out papers for Timberline students to write three things they are grateful for. The point of this activity is to spread light and positivity on the things that make us who we are. The idea started from the Sources of Strength gratitude wheel where we can see the things that give us strength in life. The wheel consists of Physical Health, Mental Health, Family Support, Positive Friends, Mentors, Healthy Activities, Generosity, and Spirituality. Taking a moment to think about the people, and activities we love can remind us about all the great things we have in our lives.
They were hung up on Oct. 24th and can be found in the science hall (200s) windows. There were over 1,000 papers turned in, where students wrote about family, friends, and food! This activity was meant to let students take time to think and appreciate the things they love. It is also a great opportunity to see what makes the student body happy, and to see all the things we have in common. This practice does not have to stop here, as Wolf Connection encourages frequently taking moments for yourself in any meditative or calming ritual that helps you. Stop by the science hall and see what your fellow classmates are grateful for!