Annabel Lawrence, Editor in-Chief
Hi! I'm Annabel Lawrence, a staff reporter for the Timberline Paw Print. This is my third year at the Paw Print, and I have had an absolute blast these past few years as I discovered a love for journalism. I’m the Editor in-Chief this year, and I absolutely love being on this staff. Through the years I’ve worked on sports pieces, international news, and many other articles, but my favorite kind of news is the stories that unfold around our school and local community. I’m a senior this year, and I’m really looking forward to going to college somewhere on the East coast and eventually pursuing a career in public policy. In my free time I love to travel, hang out with friends, volunteering at elementary schools in the area – really anything! I’m incredibly excited to continue providing news for the students of Timberline and to truly leave my mark on the Paw Print!